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7 Expensive Habits You Need to Break

money ship wreck in water

Many people feel like their bank accounts are always empty, even when they try to stick to a budget. If you feel this way, check out these common expensive habits to see if you are guilty of any of them.  If so, find a way to break the habit and start saving today!

Ordering Drinks at Restaurants

When you go out to eat, are you guilty of ordering one or two drinks?  The sad truth is that each glass can run anywhere from $4 to $15, even if it is non-alcoholic.  There is a reason why they don’t put drink prices on the menu, it’s to trick you into buying them.  When you go out to eat, try to stick to water.  It’s better for you anyway.  

Paying for Gym Memberships

The average gym membership costs $40/month, but most people don’t even take advantage of the services.  Over the course of a year, you may spend hundreds of dollars on something that you rarely use.  Either motivate yourself to go to the gym, or better yet, purchase a yoga mat and a few hand weights and check out workout DVD’s from the library for free.

Letting Food Go Bad

Letting your food go bad not only is wasteful, but expensive.  When you buy fruits and vegetables, make sure that you eat them, and keep an eye on your leftovers. When you go shopping, be careful to purchase only what you know that you will eat.  

Forgetting to Cancel Free Trials

There are plenty of free trials and first month free subscription packages on the internet.  If you sign up for one, make sure that you cancel it at the end of the trial period or you will have to pay the full fee every month.  Better yet, don’t sign up for them in the first place.  

Engaging in Retail Therapy

Shopping when you are bored or depressed can lead to hundreds of dollars of purchases every year.  Do not engage in retail therapy.  If you do, go to a thrift store and set a budget for yourself and do not go over it.

Not Comparing Prices

Whether you get a quote from a professional or you are just buying weekly groceries, you should always compare prices.  Make sure that you are getting the best deal by getting multiple quotes, checking online sites such as Amazon, as well as other grocery stores.

Forgetting to Pay Bills On Time

Many people forget to pay their bills on time, resulting in hundreds of dollars of interest and late fees.  If you tend to be one of those people, set up automatic payments through your bank so that you’ll never forget again.  

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