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Creative Ways to Cut Expenses

Cutting money

You have already tried what seems like everything.  You have talked to your cell phone provider, internet service, you canceled your gym membership, you are an avid couponer, and more, but you still feel like you never have enough.  Fear not, we have compiled 5 creative ways to help you save money that you may not yet considered.  

Keep Your Tires Full of Air

Some gas stations offer free air, so stop by at least once a month to make sure that your air pressure is where it should be.  Read your owner’s manual to see what the optimal PSI is for your vehicle, and fill them up.  You can increase your gas mileage by 1% for every two PSI of air you add.

Sign up for Rewards

It costs nothing to sign up for rewards points at stores you frequent, gas stations, etc.  Many places have a member’s discount (Maverick offers $0.02 off every gallon just for being a member), and often, you will receive a 10% off coupon just for signing up!  Find out what stores have a rewards system and make sure that you are on it! If you are annoyed by the excessive emails, create a new account that is specifically for newsletters and such.  Before you buy anything, do a quick search in your email to see if there are any special deals!

Unplug Unused Electronics

Anything that plugs in but is not currently being used draws a phantom charge, a very small amount of electricity.  While you may think this is insignificant, if you add up how many things are plugged in all day, every day, it can add up quickly.  Unplug things when they are not being used, including power strips.  If you have one large powerstrip for your entertainment system, unplug it when it is not in use.  

Be Open With Your Friends

If you are seduced by your friends to spend money on a night out on the town, let them know that you are trying to save money.  You could even create a group of savers and cut expenses together.  Turn it into a contest; you’ll be more motivated to do something if you do it with a friend.  


Not very many people consider moving to a less expensive area to cut expensive.  Find somewhere that the cost of living is less than what you are paying now, or just look to find somewhere a bit more out of the way.  Adding ten minutes to your drive every day can save hundreds of dollars on housing a month.  


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