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Cutting Expenses during the Summer

bike locked outdoors

If you’re looking to tighten your budget, there are a great many summer-specific ways that you can cut down on expenses. Here are 5 easy ways that you can trim your expenses this summer.

Save on air conditioning

Take an inventory of your use of air conditioning in the home. Does it really need to be turned on all the time? Consider, for example, turning off the air conditioning at night and opening your windows to let cooler air into the home. You may even find when doing this that you won’t need to turn the air conditioning back on until the very hottest parts of the day.

Travel on foot or by bike

The warmer weather also offers increased opportunity for you to spend time outdoors, so try opting for these incidental forms of exercise. Even if your work is too far away for a commute by foot or by bike, you can use these methods of transportation for shorter trips to the grocery store or for small errands. Gas prices tend to climb during the summer, so you’ll be saving even more than you would at other times of the year.

Spend time outdoors

On a related note, spending more time outdoors in general could save you money in a number of ways. First, running and playing sports outdoors means that you are getting great exercise without spending money on, say, a gym membership. In addition, you’ll be less likely to consume electricity in the home by watching television or spending time on the computer. You’ll also find enjoyment in spending time outdoors that could preclude you from seeking entertainment in other ways like eating out or going to live shows.

Use a reusable water bottle

Warmer weather often means increased water consumption, but repeatedly buying bottled water can be a drain on your grocery budget. Opt for carrying around a water bottle and refilling it with tap water. If you’re worried about not having cold water on hand, look for an insulated type of water bottle that will make your ice water last for hours on hand.

Eat in-season produce

In-season produce is always more affordable, so take a look at what produce is in-season this summer in your area. Summer offers perhaps the widest selection of fruits and vegetables in-season, so there is no better time to take advantage. As an added bonus, eating fresh fruit and vegetables rather than cooking them can save on energy costs.

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