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How an Attitude of Gratitude Can Help You Stay on Budget

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Entitlement is a pretty heavy plague in today’s world. Many people believe they deserve certain things simply because they are a human being rather than because they have worked hard for it. The cure for such selfishness is gratitude. Studies and financial gurus alike have devoted a lot of time and energy to promoting the benefits of gratitude in keeping a budget and they have been proven correct countless times. As Thanksgiving approaches, focus your finances with an attitude of gratitude to help you curb your spending in time for the holidays.

Counting Blessings Curbs Spending

Oftentimes, excess spending occurs because we don’t feel like we have enough. However, if we all sat down and wrote a list of the many things we have, we would be very surprised at how much we do, in fact, possess.

If you are ever struggling to stop yourself from spending, take just a moment to think about what you have compared to others. You have clean water at a very affordable rate, three square meals a day, plus as many snacks as you want on the side, and a roof over your head. Now, think about all of those who don’t have even half of that. After you put your life into perspective like that and realize that you have plenty without an extra TV for the spare bedroom, your spending will begin to drop dramatically.

Gratitude Promotes Financial Contentment

Oftentimes, we might find ourselves questioning our happiness. As we think of the reasons we struggle to smile, we may point a blaming finger at money for all of our woes. Happiness is a choice, true, but money can make a big difference in our choices. When you are more grateful, it inspires the realization that you can be happy with the money you have.

For example, you might be upset with your finances because you didn’t get the promotion you were hoping for. Instead of focusing on that and letting it ruin your happiness, think of what you have to be grateful for in your finances. Think of your steady income, the things you have been able to buy with that income, and the people you are able to support. This perspective can quickly change your outlook on your finances, helping you more happily stick to your budget.

Gratitude Leads to Better Money Management

Studies show that those who express daily gratitude for their blessings are much better at managing their money. Gratitude helps you become less self-centered and more responsible. When you recognize your many blessings, you feel an innate responsibility to take care of them. Thus, you are more conscious with your money and more driven to say no to impulse spending.

It definitely pays to have an attitude of gratitude. As the Thanksgiving holiday approaches, take a moment to set a goal to be even more grateful this year and be on your way to a more stable financial position.


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