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Knowledge Center


Filing for bankruptcy is never an easy decision. But the more you know, the more prepared you can be and the quicker you can recover. Click on the categories below to learn what you need to know about bankruptcy and your options.

Learn about the types of bankruptcy and how they are treated under Utah law.


The history of bankruptcy law and statistics for Utah and the United States.

Terms related to bankruptcy and bankruptcy law.

How to avoid bankruptcy and other financial difficulties.


Read the laws and policies governing bankruptcy in Utah.

Divorce & Family Law

Family legal processes can be difficult, both emotionally and financially. Whether you are contemplating adoption, divorce, or other changes, the information below can help you be prepared and have the best possible experience.

Learn about the types of divorce and how they are treated under Utah law.


The history of family law and statistics for Utah and the United States.

Terms related to divorce and family law.

How to avoid divorce and other difficult family situations.


Read the laws and policies governing family law in Utah.

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