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Workers Comp

An image of the complicated paperwork required for workers comp appealsInjury, especially debilitating injury, can be traumatic, difficult, and frightening. Injury can prevent you from working or limit your ability to find a job. If that injury occurred while on the job you should know that you have rights, and you have options. A workers compensation claim can be a daunting and confusing process. Don’t let that stop you from getting the compensation you deserve. At Rulon T Burton & Associates our attorneys understand the complications of Utah’s workers comp laws, and we can help you make sense of your situation. Let us come work for you so that you can receive what you are due.

In Utah, most employers are required to purchase insurance to cover illness or injury at the workplace. The state of Utah provides instructions on what to do if you are injured and are looking for compensation at the state’s website.

If your employer or insurance company is not helping or is even resisting your claims there are other options available to you. You can make two different claims based on your situation: Administrative claims and Third-Party claims. Though similar in some ways, these two claims are fundamentally different and one may be more appropriate for you. Here is a brief description of what qualifies for both claims.

Administrative Claim

If you suffered injury at your workplace because of the negligence of your coworkers or employer you most likely have an administrative claim. This kind of claim empowers you to be compensated for medical expenses and lost wages. If your injury is permanent, you may be eligible for further benefits.

Third-Party Claim

If your injury occurred on-the-job but was caused by someone other than a coworker or employer you are eligible to make a Third-party claim. These types of claims are similar to administrative claims–you are able to claim the same benefits–but also allow for you to receive compensation for pain, suffering, loss of future wages, and loss of enjoyment of life.

If you feel that your situation fits with either of these claims please contact us immediately. We can help you make sense of what is going on and give you the support you need. No matter your circumstance, the offices of Rulon T Burton & Associates can help guide you through the process. We will work for you to secure the compensation that you deserve.


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