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Should I Hire a Bankruptcy Attorney?

Meeting a LaywerIf you are considering filing for bankruptcy, it may seem financially impossible to hire a lawyer.  However, it is always a good idea to hire a bankruptcy lawyer, no matter how broke you are.  With a licensed attorney at your side, you will have a better piece of mind, avoid costly mistakes, and have someone who knows what they are doing to help you through the process.  Read on for the top reasons to hire a bankruptcy attorney.  

Help You Choose The Right Bankruptcy Chapter Filing

There is a funny scene from The Office where Michael Scott stands up and shouts “I declare bankruptcy!”  Oscar walks into his office and tells him “Hey, I just wanted you to know that you can’t just say the word “bankruptcy” and expect anything to happen.”  Having a licensed attorney by your side will help you avoid ridiculous mistakes like Michael.  A bankruptcy attorney will understand the complicated rules of bankruptcy and help you pick the proper chapter filing.  Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 bankruptcies are the most common.  They will also know whether or not you do need to file for bankruptcy, or if there is a better option for you.  

Avoid Mistakes

A bankruptcy attorney will be well versed in the complicated bankruptcy laws, and can help you navigate the rules and regulations surrounding bankruptcy.  They can help you stay on top of your paperwork, and make sure that you fill out everything properly.  They will help prepare you to correctly answer a judge’s questions, handle creditors in court, and give you fantastic advice to help you avoid costly mistakes.  Having an attorney at your side will save you quite the headache, and give you a much needed piece of mind.  

Protect You From Harassment

An attorney will protect you from creditors and collection agencies who call over and over again, asking for money.  Your attorney will know how to negotiate with the creditors and make sure that stay within the bounds of the law.  You can require that all communication regarding your accounts be routed to your lawyer, allowing you to focus on gaining your financial independence.  

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